I have had a lot of breaking happening lately. One hope, one dream at a time- each comes crashing down. It seems Providence would have huge things happen just to have one lesson learned in my life... If He would just ask, I would do it, so I wouldn't have to learn lessons like this- this being the school of hard knocks. Each brings me back to same place though... each backs up one simple truth: Romans 8: 31-39. I am not exempt. I still suffer (if you call what I go through suffering). Yet nothing- NOT ONE THING can separate us from the love of Christ. That one thing- if nothing else- that one thing I can cling to and put my hope in- everything else is just details. It is that one thing that makes us who are in Christ victorious.
I am also thankful for the difficulties- loves lost, dreams smashed, hopes deferred- they are all discipline and though no discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Which basically says, "Ya ain't gittin' your way now 'cause it is the best thing for ya and I love ya too much for you to git ev'rthin' ya want, but later life will be sweeter and better for you if you learn this now". He loves me too much. Ahh that is good to hear.