Monday, September 29, 2008

A new treasure..

I am reading this book, Live Life on Purpose, and it has in some ways described things that I see in my life and pointed out the blind spots. Here are a few of the excerpts I really love and am in the process of chewing on.
"Just because you read your Bible, go to church, throw in a college degree, achieve some impressive accomplishments and raise a good family and shake those all up in a long life, it doesn't mean that out falls a life that counted for the eternal."- pg. 31
"When God tells you to follow Him, He is not obligated to reveal you destination immediately."
-quote from Henry Blackaby pg.32
"If you live without a vision of the glory of God filling the whole earth, you are in danger of serving your own dreams of greatness, as you wait to do the 'next thing' that God tells you. There are too many over-fed, under motivated Christians hiding behind the excuse that God has not spoken to them. They are waiting to hear voices or see dreams-all the while living to make money, to provide for their future, to dress well and have fun."- Floyd McClung
"I was on the wrong path, not because the path was bad, but because God had designed me for another greater journey"
"The status-quo of getting a job, getting married, having 2.5 kids, the picket fence, two cars , going  to church on Sundays (maybe even Wednesday nights), being in a cell group-all of this is considered the normal Christian life in America. It is not bad, but it has little to do with the journey that God is laying out for us to join into. For some, their map is even an old calling from God that the can't let go of. When you learn new facts about the world and new insight into how God is moving, you must be willing to hear a new calling from God and let Him give you a new map."
"To get the pearl of great price, you have to purchase the field. It will cost you something to jump paths. Not because it is a real loss, but because you have stored up treasure in the wrong place and you will have to leave it behind. But the gain our weighs the loss in the end, even if you lose everything, because on the journey your value system will change. Our treasure will change."
"We are on a journey where each step that God directs us toward is going to seem to require greater faith and sacrifice than the last one."
"We are going to see that the people God uses in His journey are not people who have incredible, unwavering faith; so much as they are normal people that are willing to take the next step down the path."

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